Please keep Deacon Capers Brown in your prayers. His 81-year-old Brother-in-Law, Robert Carter, of Atlanta, GA, passed on Thursday, February 13. Funeral arrangements are pending.
Deacon Capers and Deacon Beverly are members of the Bethesda Circle.
Please keep Deacon Beverly Brown in your prayers. Her 90-year-old Mother, Dorothy Ford, passed on Friday, February 14. Funeral arrangements are pending.
Deacon Beverly and Deacon Capers are members of the Bethesda Circle.
Sister Deloris Witcher's Uncle, Theo W. Hodge, Sr. passed on February 8, 2025.
Homegoing services are as follows:
Saturday, February 22, 2025
St. Paul Baptist Church
6419 Marlboro Pike
Forestville, Maryland 20747
Viewing: 10 am-11 am
Funeral Services: 11 am
SIs. Witcher is a member of the Jericho Circle.
Please keep Sister Sandra Foster and family in your prayers. She lost her youngest sister, Ms.Vallery “Val” Theus of Suffolk, VA on January 9, 2025. Sister Sandra is married to Brother Kevin Foster who plays the bass guitar in church.
Funeral service is pending.
She is a member of the Mt Sinai Circle.
Please keep Sister Donna Jackson and Bro. Wayne Jackson and family in your prayers. Sis. Donna's brother & Bro. Wayne's Uncle, Mark Roberts, passed on Thursday, October 10.
Homegoing services for Mark Roberts, Sis. Donna's brother & Bro. Wayne's Uncle, Mark Roberts will be held at a later date in Williamsburg.
Sis. Donna and Bro. Wayne are members of the Bethesda Circle.
Email [email protected] to add a bereavement notice.
Antioch Baptist Church
6531 Little Ox Rd, Fairfax Station, VA 22039, US